Exclusive Access to our

Advanced Investment Research

On a mission to ENHANCE your existing investment process by providing the benefits of a full research team at a fraction of the cost

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I am happy to invite you to join the exclusive McLean Family Office investment research membership program. Our process has served our family well for 43+ years and we trust it will meet your needs.

The Investment research & recommendations in our service offering mirror our family’s investment strategy. Trade ideas flow in real-time and reflect a true skin-in-the-game perspective, a differentiator in today’s investment industry.

Brent McLean

Chief Investment Officer

The Disciplined
Compounder MethodTM

Identifying and Investing in Proven Compounders of Capital:
Consistent, Visible, Growing, and Recurring Cash Flows | Reasonably Priced | Well Financed


Quantitative Screening

Broad universe of stocks is filtered through our quantitative screening and ranking models.


Fundamental Research

Potential compounders are reviewed through our comprehensive fundamental research process. We invest only in the stars.



We monitor the portfolio diligently, preserving capital. We apply a disciplined mindset, knowing when to hold ‘em or fold ‘em.

Consistent & repeatable investment process that beats the market

Varying level of access to our investment team based on your needs

Bottom-up approach supported by leading macroeconomic research

Exclusive access to our complete investment portfolio

Methodology developed over 43+ years through various market cycles

Trade ideas flow in real-time with buy and sell alerts

Key Benefits

Our investment research offering stands out amongst the competition

Let's Connect

Phone: 403-616-8638

Suite 1900, 350-7th Avenue SW,
Calgary, AB T2P 3N9

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